Last Updated march 3, 2025
Rescue Stats 2024
182 cats
+ 243 cats through tnr
189 cats
Rescue Stats 2023
+ cats via our trap loan program
Rescue Stats 2022
281 cats
+ 165 cats via our trap loan program
273 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2021
313 spayed/neutered
+ 222 cats via our trap loan program
266 cats
Rescue Stats 2020
420 cats spayed/neutered
+ 333 cats via our trap loan program
344 cats
Rescue Stats 2019
272 cats spayed/neutered
+ 376 cats via our trap loan program
381 adopted
Rescue Stats 2018
254 cats spayed/neutered
+ 107 cats via our trap loan program
224 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2017
291 cats spayed/neutered
+ 125 cats via our trap loan program
392 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2016
260 cats spayed/neutered
+ 130 cats via our trap loan program
341 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2015
344 cats spayed/neutered
+48 via our trap loan program
249 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2014
176 cats spayed/neutered
+ 68 via our trap loan program
194 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2013
233 cats spayed/neutered
+ 95 via our trap loan program
222 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2012
260 cats spayed/neutered
202 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2011
244 cats spayed/neutered
198 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2010
306 cats spayed/neutered
216 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2009
421 cats spayed/neutered
232 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2008
350 cats spayed/neutered
200 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2007
226 cats spayed/neutered
149 cats adopted
Rescue Stats 2006
126 cats spayed/neutered
56 cats adopted
13th Street Cat RescueWe are a Non-Profit 501(c)(3), No-Kill, Cat and Kitten Rescue Organization - San Jose, California |

Marcie was dropped off in a cardboard box outside the cat hospital in campbell. They called our rescue to see if we could take in a friendly, young cat. When we got her- Marcie turned out to be just the opposite. She was older-- and very cranky!!! She wanted nothing to do with people for the longest time- hiding in her enclosure and swatting anyone who came near. It took a few months but suddenly- overnight- there was a huge change. She accepted pets and loved her treats. She had a loud, gruff meow -- sounded like she had been a chain smoker her entire life. She started calling out as soon as the door opened and she did not let up. She had all of us volunteers wrapped around her paw. ---- she was very loved and very spoiled. We all called her the queen. One day, her eye had some blood on it and she started getting meds for high BP. She was doing well but one day she had less energy but was still up for treats. That afternoon- we found her on the floor of her room and she was gone. She has left a large void in our hearts-- she was one of a kind and we will miss her always

This is a photo of Yoda with his brother, Vader. Yoda came from a litter of 10 kittens, yes 10! and he was the only ginger in the litter.
Yoda had a very sweet and cuddly disposition and absolutely loved sleeping right next to his mama’s neck.
Rest in peace, sweet angel, Yoda.

Mr Tux was a great cat - sweet, loving, and playful cat, who loved to sleep with the fosters. Unfortunately he was FELV positive. He was fine until one day when he didn’t eat dinner, then the next day started having labored breathing and X-rays revealed how compromised his lungs had become. Mr. Tux was humanely and peacefully put to sleep. He was on the SJACC Needs Rescue List a year ago and 13th St Cats stepped up to help him. Because of our foster homes and all our supporters, Mr. Tux was able to have another year of quality life; no other rescue group was willing to take the chance on a faint positive FELV cat, but 13th St Cats did, and our lives are the richer for it. He will be missed. 5/1/12-2/24/14

Pip was a wonderful little Maine Coon tuxedo kitty who fell victim to urethane sensitization when his foster home replaced their floors and didn't tell us. They were mislead to believe all materials were safe to use around animals. The MSDS showed otherwise and, more importantly, little animals can't tolerate as much as big animals and he and his sister both got sensitized to it. On their second exposure (returning to home after a petfair) both little kitties had allergic reactions of the GI tract, having repeated vomiting and pooping over and over in the course of a couple hours. Both were pulled out of the home, of course. Pip's big sister was able to survive the situation. Little Pip wasn't and died after we tried extensive allergy and anti-vomit meds to get him through it; but it was too much for his little body. Pip was a joy to be around, because even though he wasn't so well he still loved people and to be a part of a family. I can still see him at the top of the stairs looking down at me. We are so sad he couldn't be saved. Please always ask to see an MSDS for any new material you or your pets may be exposed to; it's your right. RIP 5/10/13-8/12/13

This is Max at the open house Oct 2013 – it epitomizes the trouper he was to us! Max starting having seizures at 5months of age, requiring 2 times a day meds. Sadly, Max went to the Rainbow bridge 12/14/13. His loss was unexpected as he was fine one night and then gravely ill the next day, having discharge out of his eyes, nose, and mouth, and injuries to his lower lip on both sides of his mouth and bit off part of his tongue on both sides. He was not having obvious seizures; but he appeared to have limited feeling in his body, had become incontinent, and was very lethargic and unresponsive. When his temperature dropped to 90 degrees, and he was paralyzed from the neck down, and it was clear there was no coming back from this situation. Max is now in a better place, we’re sure - seizure free, playing, running, grooming the dog, basking in the sunlight on the cat tree, and enjoying his canned food, while waiting for all the kind people who cared about him, all his kitty-friends and siblings (esp. Tucker), and his dog friends, till it’s their time to go to the Rainbow Bridge. We want to thank everyone who so kindly sponsored Max; he had a good extra 4 months, we’re so sad it couldn’t have been a longer life, but it just wasn’t to be. RIP Max 3/20/13-12/14/13