13th St Cats Logo
Tabby / Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat)
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clem's Web Page

Tabby / Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult

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About clem

  • Status: Available for Adoption (adoption info)
  • Species: Cat
  • General Color: Orange
  • Color: Tabby
  • Current Age: 4 Years (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
Clem is an awesome boy! Friendly and curious- he loves attention. He loves playing with you; getting pets from you; following you around ( he can get underfoot- beware); and getting treats from you! Especially getting treats-- his favorite activity is eating!! He is good with other cats- loves to hang  out with them - but can be a bit bossy!! He will play independently-- anything is a toy to him but he especially loves the tunnel and wand toy combo.

Clem is FIV+ 
 for more info on fiv---

To Adopt one of our Cats or Kittens,
please fill out an Online Adoption Application on our website 


If the animal bio says that they are a "Courtesy Listing",
the contact information will be included in the animal bio for you to reach out to them directly.

Thank you for wanting to Adopt!


13thstcats.org is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit, No-Kill Rescue Group based in San Jose.

We try our best to match our cats to the perfect homes, and match them based on their personalities, not their looks. Adoptions are not done on a first come, first serve basis, rather in the order of what homes are the right match for that particular cat

Video of clem:

Other Pictures of clem (click to see larger version):

clem clem clem clem