13th St Cats Logo
Tabby / Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat)
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About Us

13th St. NAC Cat Rescue is a small but determined group of volunteers, lead by Joanne, serving the Northside area of San Jose since 2005 (officially).Web Image: ad_shirts

We are dedicated to improving the lives of feral and social cats and in controlling the population by the use of TNR. Trap-Neuter-Return is an effective, internationally recognized program by which cats are trapped, vaccinated, spayed or neutered and returned to their original location to be cared for. Kittens and cats that can be socialized are taken into foster care and are then put up for adoption.

We are not based at a shelter or in one location on 13th Street. All of our animals are housed in foster homes. You can find us at different petfairs during the month or at various neighborhood functions. See Adoption Fairs/Events page.

You can help our organization and the neighborhood by volunteering to trap cats and transporting them to the vet for vaccinations and neutering, fundraising, fostering cats temporarily in your home or even just donating to the cause.
Under the 13th Street NAC (Northside Action Committee), 13th Street Cats is a 501c(3) nonprofit so your donations are tax deductible

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Our Commitment

  • Promote TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) of neighborhood feral cats.
  • Adopt out cats and kittens by placing them into loving foster and permanent homes.
  • Educate our community of the importance of spay/neuter.
  • Require 100% spay/neuter prior to adoption of all cats in our care.
  • Maintain a high standard of love and care for each cat that comes into our care.
  • Partnering with other organizations to optimize pet adoption and resources.
  • Educating on responsible pet ownership and the value of cats.


Expand your family by adding a lovable furry friend. Recommend 13th St. Cats to your friends, co-workers and acquaintances when looking for the purrfect companion for a cat adoption. Our cat family changes daily so check out our Adopt A Cat page.


Support our efforts and donate funds to help the organization trap, neuter, and immunize cats as well as find adoptable homes for the cats in our care. Donations are also reinvested in monthly pet fairs.


Join our local team of volunteers by helping to TNR, fundraise, or outreach. Our volunteers' dedication and passion for cats makes saving lives possible. Cat rescue is a heartwarming, fun and giving opportunity.


Open your heart and home to a cat or kitten in need. Allow injured, abandoned or older cats in to heal and relax in a safe and nurturing environment. Join our wonderful group of foster parent families.